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In Gobles, MI

Begins October 1, 2021

Jesus said a lot about our world today...

Bible Prophecy reveals events happening today that point to the soon return of Jesus Christ. This new study series will give answers to questions millions are asking. As the words of Jesus come alive, they give hope and reveal how prophecy speaks directly to our time. With the Bible as our foundation, prophecy becomes clear, establishes truth and proves relevant for our day. Discover peace, purpose and confidence as you attend Jesus On Prophecy in your area. Pre-register today!

Pre-register Today!

Reserve your seat for these upcoming meetings!


Gobles Junior Academy
32110 6th Ave
Gobles, MI 49055
United States

  • Gobles speakers, pictured from left to right are Alex Rybaachek, Chad Higgins, Jay Brand, Brad Randall, Paul Elder, and Lyle Davis

    Brad Randall, Jay Brand, Lyle Davis, Paul Elder, Chad Higgins, Alex Rybachek

    Our presenters come from a wide background of experience in studying the Bible and presenting it's truths to others. Listed in their order of appearance during this series, Brad Randall is a church youth leader and practices dentistry in Paw Paw, Michigan. Jay Brand is a Professor at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, with a rich background in public presentations such as this. Lyle Davis is a retired minister who enjoys studying the Bible and explaining it to others. Paul Elder is a faculty member at Andrews University with a rich background of Christian training, having grown up in the Roman Catholic tradition. Chad Higgins is the principal of Gobles Junior Academy where he teaches grades 9 and 10, making a lifework of teaching young people about Jesus Christ. Alex Rybachek is the pastor of Gobles SDA Church, having grown up in Russia and skilled in the presentation of Bible Prophecy. 

  • Children's Program

    There will be a FREE children's program available for those with kids.

  • Study Prophecy

    Prophecy Unfolds Today

    The Bible is no ordinary book. It speaks directly to modern times, and Bible prophecy specifically reveals events unfolding in today’s world. Come discover from the words of Jesus Himself the times we now live, what is soon to come, and His plan for you!

  • Explore Bible’s prophetic timeline

    Prophecy’s Final World Super Power

    Explore an end-time prophecy that charts the course of world history, reveals where we are today in the Bible’s prophetic timeline, and unveils the next world superpower—all with pinpoint accuracy!

  • Why do natural disasters

    Jesus on Evil & Earth’s Suffering

    Why do natural disasters, terrorism, and violence continue to increase? Why does God allow tragedy and suffering? Learn about the cosmic conflict impacting earth and your life today! It is an important key in understanding Bible prophecy.

More Schedule Details

  • Jesus on Living Free & Forgiven 

  • Prophecy’s End-Time Lamb 

  • Prophecy’s Final Judgment Hour 

  • Jesus on Revelation's Rapture

  • Jesus on the Anti-Christ Agenda

  • Jesus on Religious Tradition

  • Jesus on Religious Tradition, Part2

  • Prophecy Reveals Earth's Final Deception

  • Jesus on Burying the Past

  • Jesus Solves Death's Mystery

  • Jesus on Hellfire

  • Jesus on Faith and Fitness

  • Jesus on the Mark of the Beast

  • Revelation's Four Horsemen

  • Which Church Would Jesus Join?

  • Jesus on End-Time Prophets

  • Prophecy's Final Destination

Contact this Location

If you need transportation or any other assistance for attending this series in Gobles, MI, contact us with your request. We would be glad to help.